“I just want my team to care as much about business results as I do and I don't want to be looking over my shoulder in case HR come to get me”
This was a conversation I had recently with someone. It was a great opportunity to open up and talk about engagement. Getting your team on board earlier so that they actually want to achieve those results.
So, what am I talking about?
First of all, establish clarity of roles. Helping your team understand what their roles are and also their potential contribution when things are in place.
Establishing some two-way dialogue and understanding what they see as the blockers for them
Then work together to facilitate the removal of those blockers be that upskilling or facilitating a new process. Putting something in place that will help them deliver and also hopefully help them feel more satisfied in their work.
And then when you've got all that in place make sure you celebrate the results, celebrate some successes and have some FUN.
FUN: After all, isn't that why we go to work?! :)